We strived to make sure that everything you need to establish a
VPN using Linux was contained in Building Linux Virtual Private Networks. However these are some
other books we'd suggest if you are looking for additional information
to help with Linux and security related issues.
Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition
by Bri Hatch, James Lee
Paperback - 700 Pages (December 2002)
Osborne/McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072225645
Your VPN is only as secure as your Linux machines.
Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition (by one of the Building Linux Virtual Private Networks
authors) shows you everything you need to keep your machine safe from intruders.
Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion
Linux Firewalls Second Edition
by Robert L. Ziegler
Textbook Binding - 592 pages, 2nd edition (October, 2001)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 0735710996
Step-by-step descriptions of how to configure Linux firewalls, both ipchains and iptables. This book will help you limit the access of your VPN users if you want additional security. It doesn't specifically cover VPN and firewall issues, but we cover those in Building Linux Virtual Private Networks already.
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Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition.
by Bruce Schneier
Paperback - 784 pages 2 edition (October, 1995)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471117099
The authoritative cryptography reference. A good introduction and reference for the curious and the programmers alike. Can help you understand the crypto protocols we discuss for our VPNs
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TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 : The Protocols
by W. Richard Stevens
Hardcover - 576 pages Vol 001 (January, 1994)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 0201633469
If you want to understand the IP networking suite, the W. Richard Stevens books are the authority.
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TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2 : The Implementation
by Gary R. Wright, W. Richard Stevens
Hardcover Vol 002 (January, 1995)
Addison-Wesley; ISBN: 020163354X
Volume 2 covers networking source code in more detail.
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Network Intrusion Detection, 2nd edition
by Stephen Northcutt, Donald McLachlan, Judy Novak
Paperback - 450 pages 2nd edition (September, 2000)
New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 0735710082
Analysis of real-life intrusions via network dumps and detection tools
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SSH, the Secure Shell : The Definitive Guide
by Daniel J. Barrett, Richard Silverman
Paperback - 558 pages (February, 2001)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 0596000111
You're going to want to administer your VPN machines, and SSH is the only way to go.
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Learning the vi Editor (6th Edition)
by Linda Lamb, Arnold Robbins
Paperback - 327 pages 6 edition (November, 1998)
O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565924266
Every VPN administrator is going to need to edit configuration files once in a while. Best to learn how to use a real editor.
Amazon Barnes and Noble Booksamillion